Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Adrenaline is a peculiar drug. It can be cheap but it can also cost you your life. It is more addictive than any substance known to humankind. It takes hold with white knuckles and rarely lets go. It seizes the breath and trembles the knees forcing last hopeful gasps, inspiring hail Mary prayers and helpless pleas of mercy. Eyes become dilated, mouths dry as sand. Palms turn clammy, heartbeats pump frantically.

Life stands still.

Adrenaline is pure present moment living.

Life's little subtleties, nuances and so called dilemmas hold no ground here. No, when adrenaline takes command there is no turning back. Its far too late.

And Oh! How the excitement begins! Oh! The release! How sweet!

Fears melt away replaced with reactive instinct. Senses become overloaded. The brain shuts down. The best thing to do is have faith and go along for the ride. Soon after, you'll seek out the next hit, if you managed to come out alive.

Adrenaline! Does it get any better?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Car Corral

Dead beat token tangle heads
and clean cut cash carrying CEO's
When it comes to the Swami's car corral scene
anything goes

From sloppy slacking slack liners
To kinky kicking kick boxers

Droopy dopey dog walkers
And picky pasty peddle pushers

The clean cool ocean breeze
Mingles with grommet surfing steeze

Breathtaking beauties walk the sand
As day dreaming geezers struggle to stand

Hallucinating trippers mumble and clap
Stair climbing warriors pant, "one more lap"

Obnoxious cell phone singers
Battle with melody guitar slingers

Tribal drums provide the beat
While tube sock sandal wearing inlanders sit down and eat

Its an eclectic gathering of all shapes and sizes
So why not stay a while and see what surprises?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Chalo! Chalo! Recongpeo

July 16th 2007
Jeori, India
Buses wait as if in a meditative state, idling patiently, allowing passengers to breach their worn outer shell until full of restless movement. Their exterior glistens in the sun, rough and abused, like that of an ancient sadhu neglecting comforts of the body in the ultimate quest for "atma" - spiritual awakening.

Once filled they are commanded by the sturdy hands of the driver, each trusting the other to guide the innocent souls encased within through life threatening mountain passes.

Chalo! Chalo!

The song of impending departure is sung. The driver, shuts the door, turns the key and with a loud screech and sigh of air the bus jerks forward as the duo engages in the nine hour dance toward predetermined destinations.
Within, the passengers offer up the mantra of "ohm ma ni pad me hum", "ohm ma ni pad me hum", rhythmically spinning beads of prayer held gently in the grips of their hands and fingers. For the remainder of the journey, as if in an intimate embrace, all living beings, our fate tied to the fate of the bus, share the same path. Not until we step off the metal floor and away from the shell of protecting transportation will we separate.

Like a bag of tightly packed trail mix, all the air absolved of it, people sit and stand shoulder to shoulder in the narrow seats and aisle ways. Bodies and limbs are unnaturally jerked in every which way giving the impression of too many people suffering from the uncontrollable movements of Parkinson's disease. Instead of fighting these movements, we do our best to flow with the bus as it trembles over the uneven and rugged terrain of the hand made roads.
In a flash, three hours pass and with a sigh of relief the bus releases air from its breach. The driver compassionately pats the steering wheel, giving the OK for the engine to relax.
Legs stiff and sore, we wonder of the bus.
A familiar face is seen and Dinesh, the local doctor from Tabo, stretches hello. Funny it seems we would share the same bus.

"Hello Dinesh, how are you?"
Dinesh - "Oh, very good thank you! And you?
"A bit tired, but my spirits are high."
Dinesh - "Where are you off to, may I ask?"
"Recongpeo, I believe, but my final destination is New Delhi."
Dinesh - "You are not going to travel there in one go, are you?"
"That's the rough plan"
Dinesh - "No, no. You will stay with me at my sisters! She lives in Jeori. It's about half way to New Delhi and you can rest there and eat food."
"A place to stay! But of course. If the offer is genuine I would be glad to join you my friend"
Dinesh - "Yes, yes it is no problem."

An arrangement is settled!

Chalo! Chalo!

The song is sung once again and like the final winter ball the dance begins.
All along the way the driver navigates the narrow mountain roads with pure confidence and trust in himself and his bus. Agile movements are a necessity when driving these mountain passes.
It feels like a deadly game of dodge ball as the driver dodges on coming traffic and maneuvers past giant trucks and small cars with only inches between them and the steep disappearing ledges that fade away into oblivion.
Still, the drive is polluted with beauty and a sense of calm and ease overwhelms the body. The thought of death is gently put to rest.
"At least the way down would be one incredible sight! Be as tragic as it might."

Recongpeo! Recongpeo!

This time a different song is bellowed, signaling the end of the dance, the drive now gone.
Denish and I eat some food at a local shack and share light conversation. Then its onto yet another bus for the final journey to shelter and momentary rest.
The next three hours are spent, head out the window, mumbling songs of nonsense and analogies of attempted wisdom. All this in the hopes of staying awake and overcoming the aching pain in my long legs and stiff knees that rest awkwardly against the backs of the hard plastic seats.
Finally the bus sighs once more and a roof is reached. Inside Denish's sister's house I am faced with the now constant and invigorating awkwardness of attempting to read and react to unfamiliar cultural traditions and greetings.
Food is offered and we sit and eat. Conversation in Hindi teases my imagination as i numbly continue with my meal while reacting with the best of my abilities to the slightest of bodily gestures and questions thrown my way.
I am given a room and settle in to take a much needed rest.
"Fucking Fleas! Fleas everywhere!"
I have to laugh. Only weeks earlier I had learned my cat Vinni, who had a short stay at my house back home in Oceanside CA, had left the gift of fleas in my room and all through the house. Here I sit on the other side of the world and I am still to the effect of this action.
"Oh well? What can you do?"

I say thank you for the roof over my head and the lush green hills scattered with colorful buildings and bright stars outside my window. Within only moments i enter again into the sleepless world of dreams and try to rest for the days of long arduous travel looming ahead.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Marcus The Wise

Infinite wisdom and wit
Eyes clever and esoterically fit

Living life in the here and now
Always willing to be humble and bow

Jewels of abalone glimmer and shine
Questions ready to pick your mind

Observing life in the shade of the Muir Wood Trees
A wise man, willing to help those who have fallen to their knees

A musician, a poet, a jack of all trades
A heart good as gold, a gem more precious than jade

You live a life not free from sorrow, not absent from delight
You simply live life, try hard as you might

You inspire me to write, to observe, to travel
You inspire me to live free from the man made gravel

Till we meet around the next bend
You will always be a true friend

And when i hear the woodpecker's cries
I will always think of Marcus the Wise

Twenty hours in a plane makes you go a little insane

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Dramatic and emotional events have an affect on our lives much like landslides have an affect on narrow mountain roadsides.
A landslide can be caused by the slightest movement of a pebble or trickle of water. In an instant the earth is rushing with great force down the mountainside, blocking the narrow road below. And like the process of dealing with these life events, if one person alone tries to remove the block, they will work for ages and get nowhere. If they try to ignore it, or go around, the block will still be there. However, if that person has the courage to ask for help and if those asked can come together and work as a harmonious unit, withing only a few days the block will fade into a distant memory.
There will always be landslides in life and on mountains, it is how we deal with them that will determine their effect.

Raw Existence

July 1st, 2007
(street side. New Delhi, India)

It's sticky!
Everywhere you look there are putrid flies, scurrying about like crazed mice in a field of stinky cheese. They cover the floor and walk as opposed to fly. Their numbers are so great it does not matter to get away. They land all over your body getting at the beads of sweat that glisten in the sun like tasty cooking grease.

The air is filled with the songs of horns, old engine and the beating of drums which provides the rhythm as kids perform for any kind of charity. Three wheeled rickshaws blow out plumes of exhaust as they squeal through the narrow streets crowded with people. Trash envelopes every corner of every ally or store front and immense cows and bulls roam the concrete fields in a sustained delirium like a frying hippie dancing through the open grass long after the show has ended.

An old over sunned man with skin the texture of a well worn leather belt walks hand in hand with a small albino child who's hair and skin shines as white as the meat of a fresh coconut. A unique pair indeed!

Rag tattered kids play and dance in the streets hoping to receive something for their efforts. Yet still, they smile. Give them five rupees, take their picture and their eyes light up like the stars. More gather round and although they do it for the money, for those few precious moments they express pure joy and bellow high pitches of laughter. The laughter is soon overwhelmed by the sounds of the overcrowded city.

Life goes on.

Lets Get On With It!

Existing in limitless opportunity
Held only by invisible blocks of obscurity

Indecision is sorrowfully safe
Actions begin to feel out of place

Ask others to show the way
Play this out day to day

Look listen observe and pray
Soon amazing truths will come your way

Be happy, be joyful, be glad
But most importantly don't be mad

Don't be sad, don't be down
Don't be up, and never frown

Life is beautiful, life is joy
Life should be lived with the curiosity of a new born boy

Listen to the earth, the wind and the rain
Listen to the thunder as it groans again and again

Observe your surroundings
Be mindful be quick

Be clever, be aware, be about your wits
The time is here, NOW LETS GET ON WITH IT!